Ambassador receives a Delegation from Thammasat University

Ambassador receives a Delegation from Thammasat University

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 13 Feb 2020

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 30 Nov 2022

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On 6th February 2020, Her Excellency Mrs. Phantipha Iamsudha Ekarohit, Ambassador of the Kingdom of Thailand received and gave a briefing to a Delegation of Professors and students from Thammasat University, led by Asst.Prof.Dr.Jittipat Poonkham and Professor Dr.Jaran Maluleem and 35 students.

On this occasion, the Embassy also invited Prof. Dr. Huseyin Bagci from METU to give a briefing to the students.

The Ambassador gave background information on the Thai - Turkish bilateral relations, as well as latest development in the region, while Prof. Dr. Bagci gave an overview about Turkey's foreign policy and Turkey's role in the region.

The Embassy places emphesis on cooperation in the field of education and have initiated projects of academic exchanges over the years to promote closer relations between the academic institutions of the two countries. In 2019, Prof. Dr. Bagci led a Turkish Academic and Media Delegation under the Embassy's Project to visit and gave a lecture at Thammasat University, and the meeting today was thus a concrete continuation of the Embassy's effort on this matter.



