Ambassador of Thailand Attends “Doing Business in Thailand and Vietnam” Seminar

Ambassador of Thailand Attends “Doing Business in Thailand and Vietnam” Seminar

วันที่นำเข้าข้อมูล 19 Oct 2012

วันที่ปรับปรุงข้อมูล 29 Nov 2022

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Ambassador of Thailand Attends “Doing Business in Thailand and Vietnam” Seminar


On 15 October 2012, H.E. Mr. Ambassador Rathakit Manathat, Ambassador of Thailand to the Republic of Turkey, together with Ms. Wichulee Chotbenjakul, Second Secretary, attended the “Doing Business in Thailand and Vietnam” Seminar, organized by the Foreign Economic Relations Board (DEIK) at the TOBB Conference Room in Istanbul.


The Ambassador was a co-speaker at the Seminar to provide an overview of Thailand’s business opportunities for foreign investors. Other panelists included H.E. Mr. Nguyen The Cuong, Ambassador of Vietnam in Ankara and other representative from Thai and Vietnamese Trade and Small Medium Enterprises Organisations.


H.E. Mr. Manathat emphasized that, thanks to Thailand’s strong economic fundamentals, Thailand was able to withstand the ups and downs of the global economic cycle. Despite the severe flood last year, Thailand’s economy was able to recover speedily. Thailand’s resiliency against the backdrop of the global economic uncertainty is expected to enable Thailand to grow by 5.5-6.0 percent by the end of this year.


The Ambassador emphasized the fact that ASEAN is integrating into ASEAN Community in 2015 which will offer huge economic opportunities for Thailand, ASEAN nations and its economic partners, including Turkey. All ASEAN countries will become a Single Market which will allow free flow of trade in goods, services, investment and skilled labors among ASEAN members. This will not only benefit Thailand and its ASEAN peers but will serve as highly attractive markets for ASEAN’s trade and investment partners, including Turkey.


In fact, in terms of economic cooperation, H.E. Mr. Manathat highlighted that Thailand is in the position to provide greatest business opportunity to its partners as it lies at the strategic location of ASEAN region. Thailand has signed an MoU with the Myanmar Government to develop the Deep Sea Port in Dawei that will be connected to Laem Chabang in the eastern part of Thailand. Upon its completion, the transportation cost from the East from the Bay of Bengal to the West on the Gulf of Thailand will be significantly reduced, benefiting all countries concerned.


On Thailand-Turkey bilateral economic cooperation, H.E. Mr. Manathat expressed his determination on increasing mutual understanding and awareness. Aimed at putting both Thailand and Turkey in each other’s radar screen, the Ambassador hopes that Thailand-Turkey’s bilateral trade and investment will be boosted. For Thailand, Turkey has vast potential to serve as Thailand’s strategic partner to the Middle East, Africa and Eastern Europe. At the same time, Thailand can offer Turkey as a gateway to ASEAN countries and its Asian major partners, for example, China, Japan and Korea.


The seminar was well attended by approximately 30 prominent guests from the Turkish-Thai Business Council, the Turkey-Vietnam Business Council and general public. The Council is enlarging its membership, considering its recent establishment last year with six founding members.


In 2011, The Royal Thai Embassy played an important role in pushing forward the establishment of the Turkish-Thai Business Council in close coordination with Mr. Refik Gokcek, Honorary Consul of Thailand in Istanbul and the incumbent Chairman of the Turkish-Thai Business Council. From 2010 to 2011, trade figure between Thailand and Turkey achieved 15 percent growth rate, exceeded the goal of 10 percent annual increase as announced by H.E. Mr. Manathat at the Signing Ceremony to inaugurate the Turkish-Thai Business Council Opening Ceremony last year.


“Thailand and Vietnam are future countries. Don’t be too late for it!”, said Mr. Necati Abacioglu, Chairman of the Turkey-Vietnam Business Council and a Co-Moderator of the Seminar at the opening statement.


The Seminar is an orientation before the Board of Committees of the Turkish-Thai Business Council and the Turkey-Vietnam Business Council visit Thailand and Vietnam on 19-24 November 2012. They are scheduled to meet with its Thai counterpart and to explore Thailand’s economic opportunities. In this regard, H.E. Mr. Manathat expressed his full support on the upcoming trip. He is also committed to coordinate with Thailand’s economic authorities to arrange the Council to meet with high level policy-makers in Thailand.





Reported by Wichulee Chotbenjakul, Second Secretary

Royal Thai Embassy, Ankara

17 October 2012

